Professional Experience

Software Engineer @ Computing for Voluntary Welfare Organisations
Contributed in porting a Case Management System backend from Ruby on Rails to Golang, building features including: RESTful api, RBAC, Auth and 2FA, Masquerading. The new backend has significant performance improvements: reduced response time from 5 - 20 times, depending on the module
05/2023 - 08/2023


Rustscript logo
A statically typed, interpreted, concurrent programming lanugag combining Rust’s syntax with the simplicity of TypeScript and Go. Rustscript is first compiled to bytecode, akin to Java, and then interpreted by a virtual machine. The core features include a type system, higher order functions, concurrency, and a garbage collector.
The current portfolio you are viewing. A minimalist design with a focus on responsive UI. Built with Next.js, shadcn/ui, Aceternity UI and Bunjs.
Cambodia Community Library
A two year school project aimed to improve literacy level in Ou Ruessei, a village located at Cambodia. I built a Digital Library Management System with User Interface to let the locals use our library with ease. Users can borrow, return renew and reserve books while staff can carry out administrative actions. All resources are managed with Role Based Access Control.